The introduction to sticker art for Vlot came about when they stumbled upon a scene of a little Mexican girl proudly displaying her sticker collection on social media. This seemingly ordinary moment sparked a passion within Vlot and served as the gateway to a diverse and dynamic community of artists and creators.
In Vlot's exploration of sticker art, their main sources of inspiration include established artists such as MOST, SKULLCAP, Deadcell84, Glasscuisine, PRIORITY, WAS, HILO, Raccoon, P-LUST, PUFS, and their circle of friends. They have actively collaborated with many other sticker artists, cherishing each collaboration as a precious memory.

When Vlot delves into the creative process of crafting stickers, they find joy in choosing light blue and pink colors and being particular about the cost regarding materials. This deliberate approach allows them to infuse each sticker with a unique energy and personality, reflecting their creative vision.
Viewing stickers as a special tool for global connection, Vlot sees beyond the confines of street art and considers them as more than just artistic expressions.
Drawing inspiration from languages, games, and the interconnectedness of the global community, they strive to create stickers that spark conversations and foster meaningful connections.
Their friends play a significant role in their creative journey, always on their mind as a source of inspiration and support, while celebrations hold little interest for them.

To share their art stickers with the public, Vlot recently participated in a sticker show where they provided blanks for people to contribute their own creations. This interactive process highlighted the power of stickers to foster creativity and communication, transcending geographical boundaries and reaching people across the globe.
Although Vlot admits to not being well-versed in traditional advertising methods, they firmly believe that genuine enjoyment and passion for their craft will naturally attract attention and resonate with others.

ステッカー アートとの出会いは何ですか?また、アート ステッカーを作成し始めたきっかけは何ですか?
What was your introduction to sticker art, and what inspired you to start creating art stickers?

That's when I saw on social media a little Mexican girl proudly displaying the stickers she had collected inside a cookie tin.
ステッカー アートの世界であなたの主なインスピレーション源や影響を受けているのは誰ですか? 他のステッカーアーティストとコラボレーションしたことはありますか?
Who are your main sources of inspiration or influences in the world of sticker art? have you collaborated with other sticker artists?
MOST、SKULLCAP、Deadcell84、Glasscuisine、PRIORITY、WAS、HILO、Raccoon、P-LUST、PUFS、My Friends Of course. There are many collaborations. Each one is a precious memory.
ステッカーを作成するときの創造的なプロセスを共有できますか? テーマ、色、素材はどのように選んでいますか?
Can you share your creative process when making stickers? How do you choose themes, colors, and materials?

My colors are light blue and pink. I make a lot of stickers, very particular about cost. That's fun.
ステッカー アートは、一種の「ストリート アート」と関連付けられることがよくあります。 都市環境やグラフィティ文化との関連で自分の作品をどのように見ていますか? あなたが尊敬する、またはあなたにとって重要なステッカーアーティストは誰ですか?
Sticker art is often associated with a kind of "street art." How do you see your work in relation to the urban environment and graffiti culture? What sticker artists do you admire or are important to you?

正直に言うと、それは芸術なのかもしれないが、私はそれを芸術とはあまり思っていない。 言語とゲームは似ていると思います。ちょっとカッコイイ言語wwまあまあ面白いビデオゲームww
I think stickers are a special tool that allows us to easily connect with people all over the world. The "street" is connected all over the world.I am always conscious of my friends. I'm not really interested in Celebrations. To be honest, it's probably art, but I don't really think of it as art. I think languages and games are similar. A little bit cool language lol little bit fun video game lol In terms of degree, it's at a level where I don't cry when I'm moved. But there are when I run around.
アート ステッカーを宣伝したり、一般の人々と共有したりするにはどうすればよいですか? 展示会、イベント、公共施設などに参加しますか?
How do you promote or share your art stickers with the public? Do you participate in exhibitions, events, or public installations?

I just finished the sticker show yesterday. We prepared a blank and prepared a free space.
Everyone drew their own pictures and messages on the blanks to their heart's content.
I think that's the stickers power.
There's no need for logic. Everyone quickly realizes their creativity.
Communication was born. And it reaches the other side of the world.
It's the Force, like Star Wars. everyone is a jedi.
I don't know how to advertise. If you're enjoying yourself, someone will notice.perhaps.