What was your introduction to sticker art, and what inspired you to start creating art stickers?

What was an introduction to sticker art for me was certainly my first year at Paris, when i discovered Canal Saint-Martin. It’s a place where there is a lot of peoples in their twenties, teenagers, some street artists and a lot more sticker artists. In most of towns, there is some stickers, but maybe the fact i lost myself a lot (really)and the fact there was so much stickers everywhere, it created in me a strong interest on this kind of artworks.
I was already painting(oil painting and bomb painting) at this time so I was already curious about new ways to create new things, and maybe there was influences like Keith Haring that helped me a lot in this way, all haring’s subway drawings for exemple shows a lot about haring’s philosophy: he was wanting to create and put art everywhere, it helps me a lot to grow up as artist I think.
Who are your main sources of inspiration or influences in the world of sticker art? have you collaborated with other sticker artists?
First there was Shepard Fairey, and it’s quite normal when i think about it, we start with what is the easiest to know, but this part of « Art Sticker », an article in Graphotism Magazine in May 2023 helps me: « Repetition works, an stickers are a perfect medium to demonstrate this principle. As long as stickers are being put up faster than they weather or are cleaned, they are accumulating. » those two sentences are for me a perfect pitch of what stickerArt is.
A lot of collabs I made learned me so much. When you work with someone else on things like that it teach you a lot about you and your own style because your work is confronted to an other one. If I think about collars i did, i think of the one I did with Dacarter, where we had to put our own designs on thermal hexgonal designed stickers. After that i made a project called « polarized » that was made on a similar logic: I created a design, and peoples modified it with their own ideas. After that I made stickers with some peoples very important for me Horus Risen, Badass Betty, Rek, etc…
Can you share your creative process when making stickers? How do you choose themes, colors, and materials?

As I am a multidisciplinary artist, I creat stickers as I work on paintings, photos or sculptures.
But stickers have some own characteristics.
For example stickers works a lot on Gimmicks due to their serial nature. Stickers are easy to slap, so it’s easy and quite fast (quicker than a lot of ways to make street art) to put them in place where a regular pasteup is harder to paste.
Sticker art is often associated with a kind of "street art." How do you see your work in relation to the urban environment and graffiti culture? What sticker artists do you admire or are important to you?
As I do pasteup, and as I did stencils, for me, there is not big differences even if stickers have their own characteristics as we saw.
You still have a relation to the environment: to slap a sticker, the place where it was slapped important.
For the sticker artists I admire and are important for me, i think about Red and Horus risen.
I still have one of Rek’s pasteups that I keep in my house and regulary i take time to see it.
For Horus, I still have some collabs I did that I never shown, maybe because it still needs a last sticker to the series to make sense… I don’t know…It’s like in sticker art, sticker artists disappears as stickers do: quietly, except for the peoples who cares.
How do you promote or share your art stickers with the public? Do you participate in exhibitions, events, or public installations?

I do exhibitions, for example, there is the worldwide street sticker show at NIGHT OUT gallery at tokyo in december. It’s always interesting to do this kind of events, and as I think about it, Instagram helped a lot in the organisation of events like that around the world: a lot of groups makes festivals or events and it’s quite as fast as stickers slapping(if you don’t take care of all the work behind it). Amsterdam stickers, the bucharest Stickerz. fest etc are good organizers of events they are very sympathetics and it’s easy to work with them. The magazines and zines are importants too I think Like the DHL slap Project or Infamezine that were very good experiences.