1. Your character, Confused Cat, has become an icon in Roman poster art. Can you share with us the inspiration behind the creation of this character and how it came to be?
Confused Cat was born from a doodle I made at the office while I was at work, initially inspired by a cat named MARU living in Japan. MARU is famous for his passion for boxes; he must get into them, whether they are large or small. The very first CONFUSED CAT was created with MARU in mind, inspired by him. Over time, it evolved, he stopped staying inside the protective box and exposed himself to the world, changing his appearance as well, from striped to completely black, and that's how he remained forever.

2. Confused Cat seems to have a significant positive influence on people. What message do you try to convey through your works and, in particular, through this character?
It's true that CONFUSED CAT has generated positivity and joy in the people who have encountered him. This was and still is my intention: to convey happiness and lightness through a simple little character that can communicate his mood with just the power of his gaze... confused, of course.
3. You mentioned the evolution of your character over time, from striped to white and now the black cat in the doodles of the latest versions. What prompted you to make these changes, and what meanings or stories do they represent?

This was a spontaneous evolution. I believe I arrived at black because it has always been my favorite color. Doodles have always been there in some way, but they too have changed over time. Entire days spent drawing and experimenting with new drawing tools have gradually generated new marks and characters that continuously evolve. I am always searching for new marks in my head, and they come out in the form of doodles, spontaneously.
The stories they represent are scenes from a world inhabited by strange humans and bewildered, but mostly happy cats. The world belongs to the cats; humans are not even very welcome guests!
4. Your works are exhibited at the WE Gallery in Miami, Florida. How did you manage to take your work abroad, and how have you seen the international audience react to your works?

The international experience is something that, despite being a constant from the beginning of my adventure, still amazes me every day. Instagram has been the main vehicle to introduce CONFUSED CAT to everyone in Italy and around the world. Europe responded very well with a flood of affection and support, and then came AMERICA, CANADA, and AUSTRALIA, with which I had a great working experience. A famous Australian brand contacted me and commissioned a fun and completely unexpected project. The galleries I have collaborated with and still collaborate with, especially SIGNATURE FINE ART, located in MIAMI, Florida, found me on INSTAGRAM. It has been the key to many satisfying opportunities for me. The audience reacts well, I would say, and this makes everything even more stimulating.
5. You mentioned that the future of your art is in doodles. Can you tell us more about this evolution of your work and what we can expect to see in the future?

Honestly, I don't feel I can say what you can expect from me in the future; I just know that I won't stop drawing and doodling. Doodles like CONFUSED CAT are me, and I am them.
6. You mentioned that Confused Cat has fans all over the world. How does it feel to know that your work has a global impact and brings joy to so many people worldwide?

Well, as I mentioned earlier, it makes me very happy, it surprises me, and it touches me. The thought that something I created is found in someone's home in LOS ANGELES, TORONTO, or NEW YORK makes me soar, both in mind and imagination. I haven't traveled much in reality, and I would like to in the future... for now, I send CONFUSED CAT as my advance scout!
7. Apart from Confused Cat, do you have other projects or characters you are currently working on or would like to explore in the future?

CONFUSED CAT is and will always be the main character. Occasionally, I feel like excluding him from my works, but he always comes back. He's a certainty. Other characters will undoubtedly emerge, but they will only be supporting roles. In the past, there was MARACHELLA, and now there's PERSONAGGINA, but they are just sidekicks of the cat.
8. How do you see the relationship between street art and its acceptance in the artistic community and society in general? What is your opinion on the evolution of street art in recent years?

Street art should not conform to any rules or patterns imposed by society...
9. You mentioned your love for Trastevere, carbonara, and the desire to grow old by the sea. How do your environment and personal experiences influence your artistic work and creativity?

I could talk about this for hours, but I'll try to be brief. If I were to draw based on my personal experiences, my drawings and artworks would probably not be so light. I draw "lightness" because I need to lighten my soul and my thoughts. I need to care for, protect, and preserve the childlike part of me. Despite this, when I draw, the thing that helps me focus the most is listening to series or true crime documentaries with headphones on.